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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Family Movie Night

We had a lot of fun together on a family outing to a 3D Movie--Journey 2:  The Mysterious Island.  We got to take the kiddos to a theater they had never been to before.  I think part of the excitement of the day was the adventure of something new and different that we don't do everyday.  They were excited to check out a new theater and see a movie in 3D.  :)  This is the only theater I've found that my eyes don't bug out and I can actually watch a 3D movie without getting a headache.  Needless to say, 3D movies have not been a big part of our lives.

The excitement driving to the movie was almost worth the price of the movie for me.  I'd love to bottle that excitement and be able to enjoy it every day.  That's what I miss most about not travelling Kansas this year.  The planning and anticipation was more exciting to me than the event sometimes.  I've always been that way about travelling.  The planning and preparation is sometimes almost as fun as the trip itself.  Does anyone else out there feel that way?

Some 3D movie are not that exciting in 3D.  This movie was fun and there were moments even I jumped thinking something was coming out of the screen toward me.  Plus, it's always fun to see the kiddos look like bugs with their 3D glasses on.  :)

I guess it was a fun time for everyone.  They are still talking about it today (the next day).  It's sure interesting to hear what part of the movie stood out to them.  You should take kids with you to the movies all the time.  They definitely have a different spin on things.  (Can you pop your pecs?) We even had to watch Disney's Atlantis today.

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