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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Eric!

"I'm not interested in age.  People who tell me their age are silly.  You're as old as you feel."--Elizabeth Arden

We are just finishing up a birthday weekend for Eric.  If your birthday happens to fall on a weekend in our house, you get to celebrate ALL weekend, not just one day.  Plus, since this happens to be a BIG ONE--a full weekend of celebration was in order.

The celebration started Friday night by getting ready for turkey hunting Saturday morning with my dad.  Well, scouting the location they would be hunting Saturday morning ended up with Eric bringing home a turkey Friday night.  What a way to start a birthday weekend.  Our son was so excited he kept talking about getting to be the one who cut the head off when they got home. That's definitely not something I would have chosen to do for my birthday.  :)  The boys went back out, as planned Saturday morning, and dad came home with a turkey.  Definitely a successful hunting weekend.

Saturday just so happened to be Cinco de Mayo, so lunch was celebrated at a Mexican restaurant.  I think Eric may have picked Mexican for his birthday lunch anyway.  He did today too.  :)  The evening ended with Eric's birthday gift from me--seeing The Avengers.  I didn't dress up in costume, so I'm probably not nearly as much fun as those who did, but I did mange to enjoy the movie and even stay awake through the entire thing.  Eric wore his Captain America shirt and got a Captain America DVD for home.  We are now the proud owners of all the Marvel superhero DVDs except Thor.  They go well with his gift from us--a theater style popcorn machine.  The kiddos even got him popcorn packets to go with it.  We'll have to set up some movie nights soon and you all can come over and enjoy all this with us.  Which of you would want to come enjoy a movie in our movie room?  What type of movies do you want to see?

It's not every year you have a birthday on a Sunday.  And, certainly not every year you have a BIG ONE on Sunday.  We had a surprise celebration during our fellowship time.  Eric got to blow out a candle in his donuts and we sang to him.  Thanks to Brenda for helping me set this up.  :)  So, no cake for his birthday.  But, he did even better.  He got to have pie and Mom and Dad's, donuts this morning at church, and ice cream after lunch.  Those are even better anyway.  What is your favorite birthday dessert?  Mine are pie, ice  cream, cheesecake, and gingerbread.  Cake is overrated anyway.

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