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Wednesday, May 9, 2012


 "All it takes is 20 seconds of insane courage and great things will happen. I promise"--Benjamin Mee We Bought a Zoo

I've been thinking for the past several days if the necessary courage in my life really only takes 20 seconds.  I've decided it all depends on how you look at it.  It takes 20 seconds or less to muster up the courage to begin something.  It usually takes longer than 20 seconds to complete whatever it is.  But, if I have 20 seconds of courage to start a song or strike up a conversation, it's easier to keep going.  It took 20 seconds of courage to begin my college music audition.  It took longer to complete it, but it did change my life.  It took longer than 20 seconds to complete the GRE or my graduate program interview, but only 20 seconds of courage to start.  I didn't count how long it takes to walk down the aisle, but it's probably around 20 seconds and that changed my life dramatically.  So, I've decided that it really does only take 20 seconds to muster up your courage to take the first step.  And, great things will follow.  It only takes 20 seconds to ask for forgiveness and decide to follow Jesus.  And, I promise great things will follow.

When have you had 20 seconds of courage and had something great happen?  What great things have happened in your life because of courage?

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