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Friday, February 10, 2012

Too Old to Play in the Snow???

Well, it has happened.  I was hoping it never would (or at least wait for a while longer).  We had a gorgeous snow last weekend, and I expected the kiddos to run right out and play in it.  I thought our lot would be full of snowmen, snow forts, etc.  I thought the sleds and snowboard might find some use.  I was wrong.  Last weekend and most of this week they had no interest in even going outside.  Last night, they decided to head outside to play.  And, almost as quickly, they were back inside.  No snowmen or snow forts.  :(  There was the very beginning of a castle, but it was left abandoned and not finished.  The reason they gave for coming in was "too cold." 

I'd like to say I thought it would never happen, but it happened to me.  At some point, I stopped loving to play in the snow.  Don't know exactly when that was.  If anyone knows, let me know.  All I know is that it was long before the wheelchair became part of my life.  I'm a little bit relieved and thankful now that I have a good excuse for not playing in the snow.  :)

I don't think my son has completely outgrown his playing in the snow.  The boots he insists on wearing to school each day and the wet jeans and socks he comes home with every afternoon tell a different story.  Plus, when packing for Grandma and Grandpa's house, he packed snow boots, snow pants, snowboard, helmet, and goggles.  Maybe he is just influenced by his sister when he is home.  Besides, our flat lot isn't the best place to snowboard. He can't give up playing in the snow if he wants to be like Shawn White someday.

How do you feel about snow?

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