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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Christmas Concert

It's hard to believe it is that time of year already!!!  Especially since it is only November.  I guess it's time to  get ready to celebrate the season--Christmas time is here.

The TGS Christmas concert is always well done and a ton of fun to watch.  I'm so proud of my kiddos who were so excited for this concert, my son was counting down days and they both had outfits set out days in advance.  They did an amazing job and knew the songs and sang along.  My daughter was selected to read the poem she wrote.  She did a great job.  We prayed and practiced slowing down so she could be understood.  For some reason, not everyone can understand 5th grade fast talk.  :)  Anyway, they did AWESOME and I couldn't be prouder.

I love how the kiddos get a part holding objects that go with the song, or playing an instrument, or singing in a group.  This just goes to show how different my kiddos are.  My daughter told me well in advance what she was singing and when she tried out for a "solo" and that she got it.  My son told me nothing about the program except counting down to when it was.  I didn't know he was playing a drum until I specifically asked if he had a special part the day before.  Yep--They are different.

I will always remember being told, "HI, Angel" from a kid on the stage before they began singing.  That made my day and left a smile in my heart the rest of the concert.

What Christmas events are you going to this year?
What are your favorite memories from grade school concerts?
Our son said he was dressed like Pitch Black from Rise of the Guardians--What do you think?

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Thanksgiving for today:
179.  Braided hair
180.  The right people in the right place at the right time
181.  Doctors following through as promised
182.  The Voice Bible translation
183.  Deep heartfelt conversations
184.  Piano students preparing for recital
185.  Funky socks
186.  Christmas Tree all lit up
187.  Karate class is only one block away
188.  Receiving surprise thank you mail
189.  Man in the moon
190.  Giggle fits

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