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Friday, February 24, 2012

Being a Follower

OK  . . . following God is really harder than it looks.  Especially when current society completely contradicts what you think God is telling you to do.  Isn't it smart to make sure your "ducks are in a row" and you have everything figured out before you make a move?  Isn't that the safe way to live life?  Well, I think I'm figuring out that sometimes God calls us to take a step of faith.  He calls us to make the first move before He reveals the whole plan.  Am I the only one who finds this incredibly scary?

Why is it that after having seen God work miracles in my life and the lives of those around me, I still fear that He will take care of me?  I say in my head I know He will, why is it that sometimes I still have fear and worry?  I want to follow whenever, wherever, and whatever.  However, this is easier said than done.  What if the people around me are contradicting what God is saying?  How do I shut out the naysayers and really listen to and follow God?  His is the only voice I need to hear.  How do I shut out the others?  I guess one way is to "take up my cross DAILY" and make sure I am spending time in His word and talking to Him.  Another way is to stay active with other believers whom I trust are also "taking up their cross" and really listening to God.  We are not meant to walk the journey alone.  Matthew 18: 20 says, "For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them." (NIV)

Maybe the worry and fear comes from the difference between my needs and wants.  I know God will meet all my needs.  But, is everything I want really something I need?  I don't think so.  I don't think having some of my wants is wrong.  I just shouldn't ever let them come before God in my life.  Again, easier said than done.

God is so good.  I began this post before I did my devotions for today out of my Heaven Calling devotional book from Zondervan that is written to be daily letters to you from God..  Well, it really dealt with my questions, so I'm going to share the devotion with you all.
     "Do not be afraid.  This is not a command given lightly, as if you will surely fail at the task.  Rather, it is a command to focus on what is true.  I gave Moses and my people this command to encourage them to trade fear for faith.   They could choose to not panic because I would be with them as they entered Canaan.
     When I call you to a new job or relationship or place you in a situation where your next step is uncertain, be strong and courageous and wait for my lead.  I am with you, my child.  I will not fail you, neither will I leave you on your own.
     Together, we can conquer whatever lies ahead."

"Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."  Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV)

The prayer for the day was, "Lord, help me choose faith instead of fear."
God is so good and gives you exactly what you need if you ask.

  How do you make sure you're really following God?

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