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Friday, November 23, 2012

Trust the Creator

"All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen."--Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Thanksgiving for today:
116.  Time with family
117.  Thanksgiving dinner with all my favorites made by my mom
118.  Green Jell-O Salad
119.  Replay of Macy's parade in the afternoon.
120.  A husband who likes to shop
121.  Shoppers who will make room for a wheelchair and a dog through CRAZY Wal-mart
122.  Shoppers who are willing to help others and not think solely about themselves
123.  Stores getting smart and giving a limited number of tickets for big ticket items to avoid the mad rush and people getting hurt
124.  Enough employees at stores to help manage the mass of people as well as possible
125.  A well-behaved service dog who stayed right with me and managed the mass of shoppers
126.  Figuring out how to manuver in the store to avoid the areas of most people
127.  Employees who let me cross under the caution tape to shop for non-holiday special items
128.  Christmas music
129.  Finding the gift you hope will bring joy
130.  A song in my heart
131.  Finding room for new technology

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