It is December 1 and I have been outside today without a coat. It's a little hard to believe that is possible this time of year, but I am thankful for the beautiful weather. I frequently "walk" in my power chair daily to pick up the kiddos from school and often downtown to the bank, library, grocery store, etc. I even "walk" to work sometimes. It is amazing that I can do this without having to be all bundled from head to toe. I am cold most of the time and get colder as the weather gets colder. It has been nice enough to not have to wear long underwear under my jeans. There have been a few days I've been thankful for ear muffs, scarf, heavy coat, and gloves. But, I have never tried to "walk" in anything less than 30 something degrees. And, it is the 1st of December. I know many are wishing for snow to make it feel more like Christmas. But, I am hoping it stays pleasant for a little while longer--I don't want to "walk" in below freezing temperatures. I know we have been terribly dry and many would say it is the time of year for a nice, big, wet snow. Can we just have a nice, gentle rain instead? Preferably after I'm all tucked into my house for the night. :)
What is your favorite time of year?
How do you feel about the weather right now?
What is the weather like where you live?
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Thanksgiving for today:
197. Advent
198. Cell phones
199. Silence
200. People understanding of my forgetfulness
201. Independence
202. When Christmas movies about Santa interject a lesson about faith
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Saturday, December 1, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
Johannes A. Gaertner
To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven
If you like reading my posts, please consider following me. It's an easy way to know when I've posted something new
Thanksgiving for today:
To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven
If you like reading my posts, please consider following me. It's an easy way to know when I've posted something new
Thanksgiving for today:
191. Movie room intentionally being set up so I can use it for LeadHer
192. Boxes of decorations and wrapping paper put where I can get to them
193. Kids making their own lunches
194. 25 Days of Christmas on ABC Family
195. Gorgeous walking weather
196. Amazon wish list
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Christmas Concert
It's hard to believe it is that time of year already!!! Especially since it is only November. I guess it's time to get ready to celebrate the season--Christmas time is here.
The TGS Christmas concert is always well done and a ton of fun to watch. I'm so proud of my kiddos who were so excited for this concert, my son was counting down days and they both had outfits set out days in advance. They did an amazing job and knew the songs and sang along. My daughter was selected to read the poem she wrote. She did a great job. We prayed and practiced slowing down so she could be understood. For some reason, not everyone can understand 5th grade fast talk. :) Anyway, they did AWESOME and I couldn't be prouder.
I love how the kiddos get a part holding objects that go with the song, or playing an instrument, or singing in a group. This just goes to show how different my kiddos are. My daughter told me well in advance what she was singing and when she tried out for a "solo" and that she got it. My son told me nothing about the program except counting down to when it was. I didn't know he was playing a drum until I specifically asked if he had a special part the day before. Yep--They are different.
I will always remember being told, "HI, Angel" from a kid on the stage before they began singing. That made my day and left a smile in my heart the rest of the concert.
What Christmas events are you going to this year?
What are your favorite memories from grade school concerts?
Our son said he was dressed like Pitch Black from Rise of the Guardians--What do you think?
If you like reading my posts, please consider following me. It's an easy way to know when I've posted something new
Thanksgiving for today:
179. Braided hair
180. The right people in the right place at the right time
181. Doctors following through as promised
182. The Voice Bible translation
183. Deep heartfelt conversations
184. Piano students preparing for recital
185. Funky socks
186. Christmas Tree all lit up
187. Karate class is only one block away
188. Receiving surprise thank you mail
189. Man in the moon
190. Giggle fits
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Grateful Heart
"Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart"
Thanksgiving for today:
169. Christmas Lights
170. Willing help to fold bulletins
171. Focus in morning
172. Twisted Peppermint body spray
173. Cherry Vanilla Coke
174. Confirmation of what I'm hearing from God
175. Making frozen pizza myself
176. Eric found the Christmas Tree :)
177. Finding all I need while shopping
178. Technology to help me remember birthdays and help people celebrate
Thanksgiving for today:
169. Christmas Lights
170. Willing help to fold bulletins
171. Focus in morning
172. Twisted Peppermint body spray
173. Cherry Vanilla Coke
174. Confirmation of what I'm hearing from God
175. Making frozen pizza myself
176. Eric found the Christmas Tree :)
177. Finding all I need while shopping
178. Technology to help me remember birthdays and help people celebrate
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Out of Nothing
"God created the world out of nothing, and as long as we are nothing, He can make something out of us."
--Martin Luther
If you like reading my posts, please consider following me. It's an easy way to know when I've posted something new
Thanksgiving for today:
159. Canine and human power to get my wheelchair from church to home.
160. Ear muffs
161. Grocery store being 1 block from my house
162. Favorite frozen pizza fits in my new pizza pan
163. Welcoming LeadHers
164. Excitement about getting ready for the concert
165. An amazing Christmas concert
166. The kids having special parts in the concert
167. Important lessons learned about forgiveness and trust
168. That our children feel we can be a safe harbor when things are rough
--Martin Luther
If you like reading my posts, please consider following me. It's an easy way to know when I've posted something new
Thanksgiving for today:
159. Canine and human power to get my wheelchair from church to home.
160. Ear muffs
161. Grocery store being 1 block from my house
162. Favorite frozen pizza fits in my new pizza pan
163. Welcoming LeadHers
164. Excitement about getting ready for the concert
165. An amazing Christmas concert
166. The kids having special parts in the concert
167. Important lessons learned about forgiveness and trust
168. That our children feel we can be a safe harbor when things are rough
Monday, November 26, 2012
Thanksgiving Weekend Shopping with a Wheelchair and a Service Dog
I think I might just be CRAZY!!! Of course those of you who know me well knew that already. :) I have all my life enjoyed Black Friday craziness. The wheelchair has put a bit of a crimp in those plans, but it hasn't stopped them completely. Mostly since the accident, I have been doing my Thanksgiving weekend shopping at a store in a small town. That still gives me the excitement, but not quite the CRAZY crowds. Also, last year, I have discovered the excitement of Cyber Monday and getting great deals from my own home in front of my own computer. Not quite the same level of energy, but still the same level of great deals and an excellent way to finish my Christmas shopping. I am usually mostly done before Thanksgiving and only need to do inventory of what I already have and get my last minute items this weekend. Well, this year, Eric, Azure, and I decided to brave Wal-mart. YIKES!!!
I have to give them credit They did a descent job with crowd control and managing lines. We had no trouble getting into the store in timely fashion. All the disabled parking spots were taken, but I'm not really surprised by that. And, I wouldn't be surprised if someone had borrowed their disabled relative's parking permit. Anyway, we got in before any of the "big ticket" sales started. I was also pleased that they were trying to manage crowd control by giving out tickets and having you stand in line for the item you wanted. It definitely eliminated pushing and shoving and people getting hurt. Eric chose to stand in line for a couple of hours while I tried to do some other shopping around the store. DO NOT CHOOSE THANKSGIVING WEEKEND TO DO REGULAR SHOPPING!!! Many of the aisles were blocked off by caution tape!! Fortunately, Wal-Mart employees let me go under the tape to find non-holiday items. The places where people were lined up seemed a bit strange to me. Eric spent over 2 hours in the juice and cookies aisle waiting for a TV. I wanted to buy toothbrushes and had to maneuver around people waiting for an IPad. At least most people were willing to help me reach the items I couldn't. And, most people were willing to try to make room for a wheelchair and service dog. They even tried to get out of the way as we were fish moving upstream heading the opposite direction of all the other shoppers heading to check-out.
Azure did such a great job managing the CRAZINESS. He stayed right with me and didn't get upset with anyone! I did have to tell some people to please not distract him while he was trying to work. He was trying so hard to stay right with me throughout the masses of people and tight aisles. That is not the greatest time for a sneak pet. He loved it when we took a break and stood with Eric in line so he could lay down. Before the end of the night, we had figured out a way to maneuver through the store missing the biggest crowds and caution tape.
After our line ended and we could get the TV, it was time to check out. It looked impossible and like it would take all night. But, Kudos to Wal-mart for making the check-out process as smooth as possible.
We got out fairly quickly compared to some of my Thanksgiving weekend check-out adventures. Then, I came home did a last minute inventory check and got ready for Cyber Monday. I am officially finished with that excitement and officially finished Christmas shopping!!! YEAH!!!!
What Thanksgiving weekend shopping experiences have you had?
How is your Christmas shopping coming?
Who is the hardest person to buy for?
If you like reading my posts, please consider following me. It's an easy way to know when I've posted something new
Thanksgiving for today:
147. Kids who listen closely enough to my speech to be brought close to tears
148. All family members up and ready with no problem
149. Friends willing to share true emotions with me
150. All three asleep in middle seat (2 kids and 1 dog)
151. Invitation to a special mother/daughter night planned by my daughter
152. 3D Snowflakes
153. Reading book series with my daughter
154. Volunteers
155. Cyber Monday sales that help me get all Christmas presents done before December
156. Heavy coat, gloves, scarves, and earmuffs
157. I know the end of the story--We win!!!
158. City bus
I have to give them credit They did a descent job with crowd control and managing lines. We had no trouble getting into the store in timely fashion. All the disabled parking spots were taken, but I'm not really surprised by that. And, I wouldn't be surprised if someone had borrowed their disabled relative's parking permit. Anyway, we got in before any of the "big ticket" sales started. I was also pleased that they were trying to manage crowd control by giving out tickets and having you stand in line for the item you wanted. It definitely eliminated pushing and shoving and people getting hurt. Eric chose to stand in line for a couple of hours while I tried to do some other shopping around the store. DO NOT CHOOSE THANKSGIVING WEEKEND TO DO REGULAR SHOPPING!!! Many of the aisles were blocked off by caution tape!! Fortunately, Wal-Mart employees let me go under the tape to find non-holiday items. The places where people were lined up seemed a bit strange to me. Eric spent over 2 hours in the juice and cookies aisle waiting for a TV. I wanted to buy toothbrushes and had to maneuver around people waiting for an IPad. At least most people were willing to help me reach the items I couldn't. And, most people were willing to try to make room for a wheelchair and service dog. They even tried to get out of the way as we were fish moving upstream heading the opposite direction of all the other shoppers heading to check-out.
Azure did such a great job managing the CRAZINESS. He stayed right with me and didn't get upset with anyone! I did have to tell some people to please not distract him while he was trying to work. He was trying so hard to stay right with me throughout the masses of people and tight aisles. That is not the greatest time for a sneak pet. He loved it when we took a break and stood with Eric in line so he could lay down. Before the end of the night, we had figured out a way to maneuver through the store missing the biggest crowds and caution tape.
After our line ended and we could get the TV, it was time to check out. It looked impossible and like it would take all night. But, Kudos to Wal-mart for making the check-out process as smooth as possible.
We got out fairly quickly compared to some of my Thanksgiving weekend check-out adventures. Then, I came home did a last minute inventory check and got ready for Cyber Monday. I am officially finished with that excitement and officially finished Christmas shopping!!! YEAH!!!!
What Thanksgiving weekend shopping experiences have you had?
How is your Christmas shopping coming?
Who is the hardest person to buy for?
If you like reading my posts, please consider following me. It's an easy way to know when I've posted something new
Thanksgiving for today:
147. Kids who listen closely enough to my speech to be brought close to tears
148. All family members up and ready with no problem
149. Friends willing to share true emotions with me
150. All three asleep in middle seat (2 kids and 1 dog)
151. Invitation to a special mother/daughter night planned by my daughter
152. 3D Snowflakes
153. Reading book series with my daughter
154. Volunteers
155. Cyber Monday sales that help me get all Christmas presents done before December
156. Heavy coat, gloves, scarves, and earmuffs
157. I know the end of the story--We win!!!
158. City bus
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Count Your Blessings
If you like reading my posts, please consider following me. It's an easy way to know when I've posted something new
140. Fixed toothbrush
141. Able to finish talk without breaking down in tears TOO much
142. Family movie
143. Quiet time in mall all by myself
144. Service dog sitting with me while I spoke providing moral support
145. Mountain Dew in between services
146. Courage to be obedient
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