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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Change Yourself

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
-Leo Tolstoy

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

True Happiness

"Happiness is not a goal, it is a by-product.  Paradoxically, the one sure way not to be happy is deliberately to map out a way of life in which one would please oneself completely and exclusively."
                                                                                      --Eleanor Roosevelt

What brings true happiness to your life?
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Remembering 9/11 and the Response of One Nation Under God

This was from last year, but it's still relevant today.  And, today happens to be a Tuesday morning again.

Never Forget

I will never forget what I was doing when I heard the news on September 11, 2001.  I lived in Ohio and worked in Pennsylvania at that time, so I was at work.  I was in supervision for my job as a family therapist and did not hear the news until we left supervision at almost noon.  My co-workers then tried to share what had happened, but living in Pennsylvania, they were most concerned about the plane that had gone down in PA.  I had no idea of the gravity of the situation until I got in the car to head to lunch.  Of course, that is all that was on the radio, so I got to hear the seriousness and the closings of businesses and schools all around us.  I was bawling before I ever left the parking lot, so I turned right back in, went inside, and told my supervisor I was taking the rest of the day off.  Within a few minutes, they had closed our office building for the day as well.  I went home, called my family. made sure everyone was fine, and watched the news.  I was expecting our first child at that point and I remember wondering what kind of world she would be entering.  I will never forget.

What were you doing on that day?
How does it impact you now?

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Monday, September 10, 2012

Six Flags Over Texas

No trip to Dallas is complete without a trip to Six Flags.  Eric and I even went there on our honeymoon.  We were even more excited that the park now features Marvel Superheroes.  The kids got superhero capes and I got a WonderWoman wallet.  I am WonderWoman you know--at least according to my orthopedic surgeon.  :)  I was willing to try transferring to rides, but after our first ride got stuck and those in the cars around me could climb out of the ride, but I had to wait until the ride was repaired and we could get around to my wheelchair I was done.  No more rides for me all day.  It actually worked out better that way because one child wasn't tall enough to ride everything and the one that is didn't want to.  

We did get to do the one thing I wanted to and that was see the Iluminate Show.  It was awesome--although dark and loud.  Who ever imagined I would see something LIVE that had been on America's Got Talent.  Check it out at

It's been awhile since our trip, so many memories have been forgotten.  So, enjoy the pics.

Stuck on the first ride

Our daughter's favorite ride

Where is a must visit place for you?
Are your kids ready and excited for Amusement Parks?
Have you ever seen anything LIVE that was on America's Got Talent or should have been?

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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Adventures in Odyssey 25th Birthday Bash

Our whole summer vacation was planned around the Adventures in Odyssey 25th Birthday Bash.  Adventures in Odyssey is an important event at our house and although we rarely get the radio show listened to while it is on, we frequently listen to it via the internet or download episodes on the MP3 Player.  Episodes on cassette tape are playing from our daughter's bedroom daily.  I think we've listened to the ones we own so many times that we have them memorized.  :)

The giant Birthday card we all got to sign

It was so much fun to see the cast we listen to on Adventures in Odyssey and learn about their past history and work.  Just in case you were wondering, if you watch Finding Nemo, the seagulls were voiced by the same character actor that plays Wooten.  It's important to Eric and I that he voiced Wakko Warner on the Animaniacs.  We could have been listening to him when we got engaged.  :)  And, Mr. Whitaker also voiced the Keebler Elf and Owl on the Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.  Oh, and for the parents out there, you might recongize Penny from SNL.

It was pretty special that out of the whole audience, they picked 2 kids to come up and blow out the birthday candles on the 25th Birthday Bash cake, and our daughter was one of them.  

The cast did a great job (of course) and they were so fun to watch. They had a great time with each other and said this is how it always is recording the show.  They seemed to be a real family.  One of the most fun parts to watch was the sound mechanics making all the noises that are necessary for a radio show.


George Barclay



After the show we waited in line for autographs.  It was packed and slow moving once the actors arrived.  Guess everyone really loves Adventures in Odyssey.  :)

What have you ever driven two states to see?
What concerts have you planned a vacation around?
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