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Monday, September 24, 2012

Colorado Hot Air Balloon Festival

It was my turn for my choice on our Colorado vacation.  We happened to be in Colorado Springs the same weekend as the Colorado Balloon Classic.  We started our balloon experience by attending the Balloon Glo on Sunday night.  We have been to hot air balloon festivals before, but never with so many balloons and never with such an air of festivity.  We arrived at the park to watch the Balloon Glo and found food vendors and hundreds of people sitting on the ground to watch the balloons.  Anticipation was in the air.  Then, the balloons  were inflated and stood up in honor of the military.  It was quite a sight.

The great news was that we could watch the Balloon Launch Monday morning from our hotel parking lot.  We couldn't see the balloons actually launching, but we could watch them in the air. :)  What an amazing sight and a great way to begin Labor Day!!!

Smokey the Bear

What are your hot air balloon experience?
What is the best hot air balloon you've ever seen?
Have you ever stayed in a hotel and had a wonderful bonus experience?
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