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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Where I've Been

What a month this has been.  It started out with a family vacation--I WI LL get to those posts.  Then I had the great opportunity to head to KSDS in Washington, KS for service dog training and came home with a dog.  One (or many) of these posts will be about him.  Well, June 24, I broke my leg.  So, there will be posts all about that experience and my ongoing recovery. It has meant a whole lot of time on the couch with my leg up and not a whole lot of time at the computer when I'm not working.  So, it has meant no posts on this blog.  That is hopefully fixed now--I am typing on a laptop with my leg elevated.  So, although my drafts folder is overflowing with ideas, I hopefully now will get to some of them.  So, thanks for being patient with me and there are tons of adventures yet to come.  :)

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