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Monday, February 20, 2012

Pinewood Derby

This was our first year of Pinewood Derby excitement in our house.  Our son came home with his car kit and immediately wanted to start making it (even though Daddy was at work).  He was appeased by looking online at designs and had one all picked out by the time Eric came home from work.  It then became a three-generation project, with our son doing most of the work, with grown-up assistance when needed. 

Race day came and our son was a bundle of nerves. When the car was weighed, weight had to be added, so coins were slipped under his hat. Our son thought that was hilarious, but it managed to bring the car up to weight. Then, the races began. The excitement was palpable and it was so much fun to watch the boys root on their cars. I hope everyone had a great time. Some pinewood derby's give prizes to non race winners. Some give prizes for creativity and even the slow poke car. Ours only gives prizes to the top four racers. I may be biased, but I think our son would have won a creative award. His car was definitely the cutest platypus there (not to mention fastest.) :)

What a great project to inspire creativity and hard work in the boys as well as father/son/grandfather bonding. :p

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